Yuanchu Technology (Beijing)Co.,Ltd.

Recovery and utilization of waste
Large-scale reducing CO2 emission
Development of new green materials
Extract useful substances from waste and reduce amounts, while reducing the consumption of natural resources
In order to control the dire situation of global warming, we need technologies that can reduce emissions on a truly large scale
Our products are derived from CO2 and solid waste, which are widely used and can reduce the extraction of natural resources


China Energy - Yuanchu CCUS Project

the world's largest coal production company, thermal power company, wind power company and coal-to-oil chemical company

1. Facility Type:Thermal Power Plant

2. CO2 Source:Flue Gas

3. CO2 Cencentration:9%

4. Scale:1000 tons/year(Net)

5. Feedstock:Carbide Slag

6. Product:Green Calcium Carbonate

7. Timeline:Project completed in December, 2022, passed the 168-hour

                   acceptance appraisal of China Energy

8. CO2 Recovery Rate:90%

Sinopec Group - Yuanchu CCUS Project
the world's largest oil refining company, the second largest chemical company and the second largest gas station in the world

1. Facility Type:Coal to Hydrogen Unit

2. CO2 Source:Shift Gas

3. CO2 Cencentration:90%

4. Scale:1000 tons/year(Net)

5. Feedstock:Steel Slag

6. Product:Green Calcium Carbonate

7. Timeline:Under construction

Postal Code:100015                                 Tell:+86010- 52251208                                Email:info@yuanchutech.cn                                 Address:Beijing.China

Location: Beijing,China
Contact E-mail:info@yuanchutech.cn