Yuanchu Technology (Beijing)Co.,Ltd.

To permanently sequester CO2 in massive and low energy manners.
Reducing the amount of carbon in our atmosphere is one of the world’s greatest challenges
Mission & Vision
· Our mission is to mineralize billions of tons of CO2 & store it permanently in
   the green materials
· We are committed to developing innovative technologies and  providing large-
   scale, low-cost carbon dioxide capture and utilization solutions, and achieves
   carbon dioxide emission reduction, bulk solid waste reduction and resource
   recycling. Generate green and low-carbon products with economic value.
· Our technology meets the requirements of the following FIVE dimensions:
   - Large-scale: solve the problem of more than billion tons of CO2 emissions –
     Carbon Removal/Reduction;
   - Permanent sequestration: CO2 will be sequestration at least 100 years;
   - Carbon Negative :The amount of CO2 recovered in the process of emission
     reduction is far greater than the CO2 emissions caused by system energy
   - Economic sustainability: Generate green and low-carbon products with
     economic value;
   - Flexible application scenarios: Applicable to all high-carbon emission industries
     such as thermal power, steel, chemical industry, and cement

About US

Yuanchu’s technology will react CO2 with an industrial solid waste such as carbide slag, steel slag, and other raw materials to produce carbonate fine particle. Our patented process is a true carbon negative process.

10 yrs
R & D
Yuanchu's patented mineralization technology is the known scalable method for capturing and permanently sequestering billions of tonnes of CO2. Our process can use dilute CO2 from any source, at any concentration, and turn it into valuable materials to enable carbon capture at a profit. Each tonne of our materials permanently mineralizes 440 kg of CO2, preventing it from ever leaking or accumulating in the atmosphere
Postal Code:100015                                 Tell:+86010- 52251208                                Email:info@yuanchutech.cn                                 Address:Beijing.China

Location: Beijing,China
Contact E-mail:info@yuanchutech.cn